Document Type
Publication Date
- The Chicago Firm Herman Smith begins a consulting project for the Hospital
- Letter from Sister Jameen OSB, on Nurse instruction
- Hospital implemented a new point system in determining an individuals salary
- Sister Olivia Gowan was transferred to the St. Cloud hospital from St. Scholastica's Priory
- Feature on Jerry Knuesel the Hospital's head chef
- X-Ray department recognized at an annual state conference
- Various profiles on newly hired doctors
- Hospital Supervisors begin management program
- Hospital acquired an electric motor-driven proctoscopic table
- A list of proposed changes to the Dietary Department
- Explanation of the methodology used to determine employee salaries
- Story on Dr. Bozanich's family reunion in Trieste, Italy
- Feature on the Pathology Department
- List of new staff and promotions
Recommended Citation
St. Cloud Hospital, "Beacon Light: October 1963" (1963). Beacon Light. 311.