Submissions from 2022
Nurse Practitioner Programs: Selection Factors and the student Experience, Christine M. Olson
Submissions from 2021
Familial Factors in the Development of Social Anxiety Disorder, Christine M. Olson
Submissions from 2018
Non-fasting versus fasting cholesterol measurement, Evan Dyce
Creation of an Adult Observation Unit, Joy Plamann, J Zedreck-Gonzalez, and L Fennimore
Submissions from 2017
Evidence into Practice: Hospital and Academic Partnership Demonstrating Exemplary Professional Practice in EBP, Roberta Basol MA, RN, NE-BC; Rachelle Larsen PhD, RN; Joyce Simones EdD, MSN, RN; and Roxanne Wilson PhD, RN
Reduction of Surgical Site Infections After Cesarean, Melissa Erickson MSN ed, BSN, RNC-MNN, PHN and Patricia Dumonceaux MSN, PHN, CIC
COPD Management and Role of the Nurse Coach: Increasing Referrals and Participation in Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Carol Upcraft, C. Hoover, Joy Plamann, and Jessica Oman
Submissions from 2015
Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Professional Practice Model, Roberta Basol, Amy Hilleren-Listerud, and Linda Chmielewski
Collaborative Classroom Simulation (CCS): An Innovative Pedagogy Using Simulation in Nursing Education, Jodi Berndt, Georgia Dinndorf-Hogenson, Rena Herheim, Carrie Hoover, Nicole Lang, Janet Neuwirth, and Bethany Tollefson
Development of Professionalism and Performance Accountability for Sustained FIM Accuracy Improvement, Deb Eisenstadt, Ann Summar, and Jean Beckel
From Evidence to Practice: Developing an Outpatient Acuity-Based Staffing Model, Jane Vortherms, Brenda Spoden, and Jill Wilcken
Submissions from 2014
Bacteria on Shared Mobile Phones Can Lead to Infections, Roberta Basol, Jean Beckel, Judy Gilsdorf-Gracie, Amy Hilleren-Listerud, Terri McCaffrey, Sherri Reischl, Pamela Rickbeil, Mary Schimnich, Kirsten Skillings, and Mary A. Struffert
Reduction of Erosion Risk in Adult Patients with Implanted Venous Access Ports, Jennifer Burris and Mary Weis
Peripheral I.V. Stabilization and the Rate of Complications in Children: An Exploratory Study, Nikki Laudenbach, Carie A. Braun, Leigh Klaverkamp, and Sigrid Hedman-Dennis
Submissions from 2013
You Missed a Spot! Disinfecting Shared Mobile Phones, Roberta Basol, Jean Beckel, Judy Gildsdorf-Gracie, Amy Hilleren-Listerud, Terri McCaffrey, Sherri Reischl, Pamela Rickbeil, Mary Schimnich, Kirsten Skillings, and Mary A. Struffert
Comparison of Manual Versus Automated Data Collection Method for an Evidence-based Nursing Practice Study, Matthew D. Byrne, T R. Jordan, and Tamara Welle
A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Depression in Rural American Indian Middle School Students, Lori Listug-Lunde and Nancy Vogeltanz-Holm
Evaluating the Need for Routine Supplemental Oxygen in Postoperative Total Joint Replacement Patients, Tamara Welle, Roberta Basol, and Naomi Schneider
Identification of Potential Barriers to Nurse-Sensitive Outcome Demonstration, Roxanne Wilson, Gail Wolf, Jean Beckel, and Susan Hoolahan
Submissions from 2012
Elders adapting to a Chronic Diagnosis within a Nursing Refuge, Margaret Hegge and Georgia Dinndorf-Hogenson
Development and Implementation of a Pediatric Palliative Care Program, Diane Pelant, Terri McCaffrey, and Jean Beckel
The Lived Experience of Hope in Family Caregivers Caring for a Terminally Ill Loved One, Sara S. Revier, Sonja J. Meiers, and Kaye A. Herty
Overcoming Barriers to Implementing Evidence-Based Practice: A Collaboration Between Academics and Practice, Pamela Rickbeil and Joyce Simones
Recommended Actions for Improved Care Transitions: Mental Ilnesses and/or Substance Use Disorders, Chris Walker, Paul Goering, Cathy Brouwer, Kathy Knight, Karen Lloyd, Terry W. Crowson, Michael A. Trangle, Paul Davis, Jennifer McNertney, Sue Abderholden, Nancy Houlton, Kathy Cummings, and Joann Foreman
Submissions from 2009
Using Research to Determine Support for a Policy on Family Presence During Resuscitation, Roberta Basol, Kathleen Ohmann, Joyce Simones, and Kirsten Skillings
Walk the Talk: Promoting Control of Nusing Practice and a Patient-Centered Culture, Linda Chmielewski
Graduated Compression Stocking and Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device Length Selection, Amy Hilleren-Listerud
Nurses' Comfort Level with Emergency Interventions in the Rural Hospital Setting, Erin L. Ross and Sue E. Bell
Submissions from 2008
Structures and Practices Enabling Staff Nurses to Control Their Practice, Marlene Kramer, Claudia Schmalenberg, Patricia Maguire, and Linda Chmielewski
Clinically Competent Peers and Support for Education: Structures and Practices that Work, Claudia Schmalenberg RN, MSN; Marlene Kramer RN, PhD; Barbara Brewer; and Linda Chmielewski RN, MS, NEW-BC
Submissions from 2007
Nurse Manager Support: What is It? Structures and Practices That Promote It, Linda Chmielewski
Nurse Manager Support; What is it? Structures and Practices that Promote it, Marlene Kramer PhD, RN, FAAN; Maguire Patricia MN, RN, CNAA; Claudia Schmalenberg MSN, RN; and Linda Chmielewski MS, RN,CNAA, BC