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This study determined the efficacy of cleaning products on mobile phones. Previous research has demonstrated the risk for bacterial cross contamination between healthcare workers' hands, close contact equipment, and mobile communication devices. There is extensive literature on survival of organisms on inanimate objects. Mobile communication devices can act as a reservoir for bacteria associated with nosocomial infection. Additional studies show cross contamination between the healthcare workers hands, the mobile phones, and the patient.
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infection control, mobile communication, disinfectants
Other Nursing
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Basol, Roberta; Hilleren-Listerud, Amy; Reischl, Sherri; McCaffrey, Terri; Beckel, Jean; McCaffrey, Terri; Rickbeil, Pamela; Schimnich, Mary; Skillings, Kirsten; and Struffert, Mary A., "Disinfection of Shared Mobile Phones Carried by Registered Nurses: A Comparison of Two Methods" (2014). Nursing Posters. 26.