
Submissions from 2023


Turnkey Algorithmic Approach for the Evaluation of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease After Bariatric Surgery, Omar M. Ghanem, Rabih Ghazi, Farah Abdul Razzak, and Fateh Bazerbachi MD


A Comprehensive Review of COVID-19: Associated Endocrine Manifestations, Saif Khan MD, Maryam Karim MBBS, Vasu Gupta, Heenam Goel MD, and Rohit Jain MD


Residual Pulmonary Vascular Obstruction Following Mechanical Thrombectomy for Submassive Pulmonary Embolism: A Single-Center Analysis, Brian Stegman, Thom G. Dahle, Wade Schmidt, Jacob R. Dutcher, and Tanya Glenz


Acute Outcomes for the Full US Cohort of the FLASH Mechanical Thrombectomy Registry in Pulmonary Embolism, Caitlin Toma, Wissam A. Jaber, Mitchell D. Weinberg, Matthew C. Bunte, Sameer Khandhar, and Brian Stegman

Submissions from 2022


Bidirectional Recanalization of a Complete Postradiation Stricture of the Hypopharynx and Esophagus, Fateh Bazerbachi MD, Georgios Mavrogenis MD, Konstantinos Markoglou, and Sandro Porceddu


Nurse Practitioner Programs: Selection Factors and the student Experience, Christine M. Olson


Strategies for Reducing Vascular and Bleeding Risk for Percutaneous Left Ventricular Assist Device-Supported High-Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, George W. Vetrovec, Amir Kaki, Jason Wollmuth, and Thom G. Dahle MD

Submissions from 2021


Machine Learning in Sports Medicine: Need for Improvement, Kyle R. Martin, Ayoosh Pareek, and Aaron J. Krych


Familial Factors in the Development of Social Anxiety Disorder, Christine M. Olson

Submissions from 2020


A Review of Bleeding Risk with Impella-Supported High-Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, George W. Vetrovec, Amir Kaki, and Thom G. Dahle

Submissions from 2019


Distal Corporoplasty Using an Autologous Tunica in the Management of Penile Prosthesis Pseudo Aneurysm, Michel Apoj and Elizabeth A. Phillips


Long-term Intracavernosal Injection Therapy: Treatment Efficacy and Patient Satisfaction, P. Bearelly and Elizabeth A. Phillips


A Comparison Between the Involuntary and Voluntary Treatment of Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder in a Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program, Hellen Boit, Glen A. Palmer, and Stephen A. Olson


How to Address Tobacco Use in Minnesota's Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services: Tips from the Field, Meghan Bown, Jamie Andycha, Sophie Burnevik, Ruth Tripp, American Lung Association, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Leadership Academy Collaborative


Applying the Flipped Classroom Model to Psychomotor Skill Acquisition in Nursing, Georgia Dinndorf-Hogenson, C. Hoover, Jodi Lisbeth Berndt, Bethany Tollefson, Jennifer Peterson, and Nichole Laudenbach


Implementing the Serious Illness Care Program in Primary Care, Jill A. Massmann


Qigong: Benefits for Survivors Coping with Cancer-Related Fatigue, Kathleen Sowada

Submissions from 2018


Supraclavicular Subclavian Access for Sapien Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A Novel Approach, Thom G. Dahle, John Castro, Jacob R. Dutcher, John M. Teskey, Wade Schmidt, Daren Danielson, and Daniel Tiede


Impact of Supplemental Oxygen on Obstructive Sleep Apnea of Infants, Piyush Das, R Kashyap, and S Kotagal


Non-fasting versus fasting cholesterol measurement, Evan Dyce


Partitioning of Adipose Lipid Metabolism by Altered Expression and Function of PPAR Isoforms After Bariatric Surgery, C Jahansouz, H Xu, A V. Hertzel, and Kristin Ewing


Lipoid Proteinosis: Unfamiliar Skin Findings Delay Diagnosis, S Larkin and Elizabeth K. Blixit


Creation of an Adult Observation Unit, Joy Plamann, J Zedreck-Gonzalez, and L Fennimore


Exome Sequencing in Neonates: Diagnostic Rates, Characteristics, and Time to Diagnosis., Z Powis, K D. Farwell Hagman, V Speare, T Cain, Emily Mayerhofer, David Tilstra MD, and Timothy Vedder


Counseling Close to Home: Genetic Counselors' Experiences with their own Family Members, L Rust, Hallee Adamsheck, C A. Reiser, and E M. Petty

Submissions from 2017


Is Low FMR1 CGG Repeat Length in Males Correlated with Family History of BRCA-Associated Cancers? An Exploratory Analysis of Medical Records, Hallee Adamsheck, E M. Petty, J Hong, and M W. Baker


Evidence into Practice: Hospital and Academic Partnership Demonstrating Exemplary Professional Practice in EBP, Roberta Basol MA, RN, NE-BC; Rachelle Larsen PhD, RN; Joyce Simones EdD, MSN, RN; and Roxanne Wilson PhD, RN


Ambulatory Hemodynamic Monitoring Reduces Heart Failure Hospitalizations in "Real-World" Clinical Practice, Akshay S. Desai, Arvind Bhimaraj, Rita Jermyn, and Jamie M. Pelzel


Reduction of Surgical Site Infections After Cesarean, Melissa Erickson MSN ed, BSN, RNC-MNN, PHN and Patricia Dumonceaux MSN, PHN, CIC


The New Diagnostic Team, Mark L. Graber, Diana Rusz, and Melissa L. Jones


Open-Label Phase I Clinical Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Cilostazol in Patients Undergoing Internal Carotid Artery Stent Placement, A E. Hassan, H Zacharatos, M Grigoryan, Muhammed Suri, and Adnan Qureshi


COPD Management and Role of the Nurse Coach: Increasing Referrals and Participation in Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Carol Upcraft, C. Hoover, Joy Plamann, and Jessica Oman

Submissions from 2016


Microangiopathic Occlusion of a Perforating Prepontine Long Circumferential Artery Presenting with Lower Motor Neuron Facial Weakness: Clinical and Radiological Correlation, Archie Defillo MD, Muhammad Shah Miran MD, Kenneth Shea MD, Michelle Peterson NP, Leah Roering NP, Jerone Kennedy MD, M. Fareed, and K. Suri


Enhanced Cephalomedullary Nail Lag Screw Placement and Intraoperative Tip-Apex Distance Measurement with a Novel Computer Assisted Surgery System, Mitchell Kuhl and Claudia Beimel


A Multi-Institutional Study of Hemostatic Gauze and Tourniquets in Rural Civilian Trauma, Jennifer Leonard, John Zietlow, David Morris, and Kurt Martinson


Cerebral Venous Engorgement in Hydrops Fetalis, Adnan I. Qureshi and Thomas Kohl

Submissions from 2015


Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Professional Practice Model, Roberta Basol, Amy Hilleren-Listerud, and Linda Chmielewski


Collaborative Classroom Simulation (CCS): An Innovative Pedagogy Using Simulation in Nursing Education, Jodi Berndt, Georgia Dinndorf-Hogenson, Rena Herheim, Carrie Hoover, Nicole Lang, Janet Neuwirth, and Bethany Tollefson


Letter to the Editor: Perianeurysmal Edema, Archie Defillo MD and Jerone Kennedy MD


Moral Courage in Practice: Implications for Patient Safety, Georgia Dinndorf-Hogenson


Development of Professionalism and Performance Accountability for Sustained FIM Accuracy Improvement, Deb Eisenstadt, Ann Summar, and Jean Beckel


Hematoma Enlargement Among Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: Analysis of a Prospective Multicenter Clinical Trial, M Fareed K. Suri, Adnan I. Qureshi, Ahmed A. Malik, Malik M. Adil, Archie Defillo, and Gregory T. Sherr


From Evidence to Practice: Developing an Outpatient Acuity-Based Staffing Model, Jane Vortherms, Brenda Spoden, and Jill Wilcken


MRI Findings Associated with Recalled Modular Femoral Neck Rejuvenate and ABG Implants, C P. Walsh, J C. Hubbard, and Joseph Nessler

Submissions from 2014


Bacteria on Shared Mobile Phones Can Lead to Infections, Roberta Basol, Jean Beckel, Judy Gilsdorf-Gracie, Amy Hilleren-Listerud, Terri McCaffrey, Sherri Reischl, Pamela Rickbeil, Mary Schimnich, Kirsten Skillings, and Mary A. Struffert


Reduction of Erosion Risk in Adult Patients with Implanted Venous Access Ports, Jennifer Burris and Mary Weis


Awakening After Cardiac Arrest and Post Resuscitation Hypothermia: Are We Pulling the Plug Too Early?, Barbara Gold, Laura Puertas, Scott Davis MD, Anja Metzger, Demetris Yannopoulos, Dana Oakes, Charles Lick, Debbie L. Gillquist, S Y. Holm, John Olsen, Sandeep Jain, and Keith Lurie MD


Peripheral I.V. Stabilization and the Rate of Complications in Children: An Exploratory Study, Nikki Laudenbach, Carie A. Braun, Leigh Klaverkamp, and Sigrid Hedman-Dennis

Submissions from 2013


You Missed a Spot! Disinfecting Shared Mobile Phones, Roberta Basol, Jean Beckel, Judy Gildsdorf-Gracie, Amy Hilleren-Listerud, Terri McCaffrey, Sherri Reischl, Pamela Rickbeil, Mary Schimnich, Kirsten Skillings, and Mary A. Struffert


Comparison of Manual Versus Automated Data Collection Method for an Evidence-based Nursing Practice Study, Matthew D. Byrne, T R. Jordan, and Tamara Welle


A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Depression in Rural American Indian Middle School Students, Lori Listug-Lunde and Nancy Vogeltanz-Holm


Evaluating the Need for Routine Supplemental Oxygen in Postoperative Total Joint Replacement Patients, Tamara Welle, Roberta Basol, and Naomi Schneider


Identification of Potential Barriers to Nurse-Sensitive Outcome Demonstration, Roxanne Wilson, Gail Wolf, Jean Beckel, and Susan Hoolahan

Submissions from 2012


Elders adapting to a Chronic Diagnosis within a Nursing Refuge, Margaret Hegge and Georgia Dinndorf-Hogenson


Development and Implementation of a Pediatric Palliative Care Program, Diane Pelant, Terri McCaffrey, and Jean Beckel


Brief Report: A Phase II "Window-of-Opportunity" Frontline Study of the mTOR Inhibitor, Temsirolimus Given as a Single Agent in Patients with Advanced NSCLC, an NCCTG Study, Nicholas F. Reuter MD


The Lived Experience of Hope in Family Caregivers Caring for a Terminally Ill Loved One, Sara S. Revier, Sonja J. Meiers, and Kaye A. Herty


Overcoming Barriers to Implementing Evidence-Based Practice: A Collaboration Between Academics and Practice, Pamela Rickbeil and Joyce Simones


Recommended Actions for Improved Care Transitions: Mental Ilnesses and/or Substance Use Disorders, Chris Walker, Paul Goering, Cathy Brouwer, Kathy Knight, Karen Lloyd, Terry W. Crowson, Michael A. Trangle, Paul Davis, Jennifer McNertney, Sue Abderholden, Nancy Houlton, Kathy Cummings, and Joann Foreman

Submissions from 2011


Take Heart America: A Comprehensive, Community-Wide, Systems-Based Approach to the Treatment of Cardiac Arrest, Charles J. Lick, Tom P. Aufderheide, Robert A. Niskanen, Janet E. Steinkamp, Scott Davis, Susie Osaki-Holm, John Olsen, and Keith Lurie MD


Primary Raynaud Phenomenon and Small-Fiber Neuropathy: Is There a Connection? A Pilot Neurophysiologic Study, Nisha J. Manek MD, Aaron R. Holmgren, Paola Sandroni, Thomas S. Osborn, and Mark D. Davis


Benefits of Holistic Breathing Technique in Patients on Hemodialysis, Sr. Ruth Stanley, Thomas Leither MD, and C Sindelir

Submissions from 2010


Circadian Rhythms in Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction, Richard Aplin MD, DR Holmes MD, and FV Acquirre


Molecular Analysis Expands the Spectrum of Phenotypes Associated with GLI3 Mutations, Jennifer J. Johnston, Julie C. Sapp, Joyce T. Turner, and David Tilstra MD


Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Evaluation of Pregabalin for Alleviating Hot Flashes, N07C1, Charles L. Loprinzi, Rui Qin, Ernie P. Baclueva, and Donald J. Jurgens


Letter by Harris et al Regarding Article, "Outcomes of Patients with Acute Type A Aortic Intramural Hematoma, Jamie M. Pelzel


Letter by Harris et al regarding article, "outcomes of patients with acute type a aortic intramural hematoma", Jamie M. Pelzel, Kevin M. Harris, and Alan C. Braverman


Abraham Lincoln May Have Had SCA Type 5, Laura P. Ranum, Katherine A. Krueger, and Lawrence J. Schut


The Lower Incidence of Melanoma in Women May Be Related to Increased Preventative Behaviors, Nathaniel Reuter MD, Matthew Bower MD, Charles R. Scoggins MD, Robert Martin MD, Kelly M. McMasters MD, and Anees B. Chagpar MD


Endpoints in Phase II trials for advanced non-small cell lung cancer, Nicholas F. Reuter, Sumithra J. Mandrekar, Yingwei Qi, Shauna L. Hillman, Katie L. Allen Ziegler, Kendrith M. Rowland, Steven A. Kuross, Randolph S. Marks, Steven E. Schild, and Alex A. Adjei


Implementing the 2005 American Heart Association Guidelines, Including Use of the Impedance Threshold Device, Improves Hospital Discharge Rate after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest, K Thigpen, Scott Davis, Roberta Basol, Peggy Lange, Sandeep Jain, John Olsen, Bernard Erickson, and Timothy Schuchard


Implementing the 2005 American Heart Association Guidelines, Including Use of the Impedance Threshold Device, Improves Hospital Discharge Rate After In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest, Ken Thigpen, Scott Davis, Roberta Basol, Peggy Lange, Sandeep Jain, John Olsen, Bernard Erickson, Timothy Schuchard, and Tom P. Aufderheide

Submissions from 2009


A Regional System for Delivery of Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: STEMI-St. Cloud, Richard Alpin, Daniel Tiede, Cheryl Lovitz, Mark Gartner, Bernard Erickson, Wade Schmidt, Jamie M. Pelzel, and John Mahowald


Using Research to Determine Support for a Policy on Family Presence During Resuscitation, Roberta Basol, Kathleen Ohmann, Joyce Simones, and Kirsten Skillings


Walk the Talk: Promoting Control of Nusing Practice and a Patient-Centered Culture, Linda Chmielewski


Graduated Compression Stocking and Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device Length Selection, Amy Hilleren-Listerud


Relationship of Paroxysmal Atrial Tachyarrhythmias to Volume Overload, Rajat Jhanjee MD, Grant A. Templeton MD, Srinivasan Sattiraju MD, John Nguyen MD, Simon Milstein MD, Laura Van Heel, Keith G. Lurie MD, and David Benditt MD


Nurses' Comfort Level with Emergency Interventions in the Rural Hospital Setting, Erin L. Ross and Sue E. Bell


A Comparison of Echocardiographic Findings in Young Adults With Cardiomyopathy: With and Without a History of Methamphetamine Abuse, Mevan Wijetunga, Hiroki Ito, Khung-Keong Yeo, Todd B. Seto, Kevin Tay, and Irwin J. Schatz

Submissions from 2008


Structures and Practices Enabling Staff Nurses to Control Their Practice, Marlene Kramer, Claudia Schmalenberg, Patricia Maguire, and Linda Chmielewski


Clinically Competent Peers and Support for Education: Structures and Practices that Work, Claudia Schmalenberg RN, MSN; Marlene Kramer RN, PhD; Barbara Brewer; and Linda Chmielewski RN, MS, NEW-BC

Submissions from 2007


Excellence Through Evidence: Structures Enabling Clinical Autonomy, Linda Chmielewski


Nurse Manager Support: What is It? Structures and Practices That Promote It, Linda Chmielewski


Drug Eluting Stent Implantation for the Treatment of Symptomatic Myocardial Bridging is Associated with Favorable Peri-Procedural Results and Short-Term Outcomes, A A. Doshi, A R. Orsini, E L. Mazzaferri, and Wade Schmidt


Patent Foramen Ovale: Standards for a Preclinical Model of Prevalence, Structure, and Histopathologic Comparability to Human Hearts, H Hara, R Virmani, E Ladich, and Jamie M. Pelzel


Nurse Manager Support; What is it? Structures and Practices that Promote it, Marlene Kramer PhD, RN, FAAN; Maguire Patricia MN, RN, CNAA; Claudia Schmalenberg MSN, RN; and Linda Chmielewski MS, RN,CNAA, BC


Clinical Utility of Coronary CT Angiography: Coronary Stenosis Detection and Prognosis in Ambulatory Patients, JR Lesser, B Flygenring, T Knickelbine, and Jamie M. Pelzel


International Heterogeniety in Diagnostic Frequency and Clinical Outcomes of Ascending Aortic Intramural Hematoma, Jamie M. Pelzel, Alan C. Braveman, Alan T. Hirsch, and Kevin M. Harris


Chromosomal Microdeletions and Genes' Functions: A Cluster of Chromosomal Microdeletions and the Deleted Genes' Functions, David Tilstra MD, Kevin Martens, Inge Heulens, and Sandra Meulemans


Reduced Atrial Tachyarrhythmia Susceptibility After Upgrade of Conventional Implanted Pulse Generator to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Patients with Heart Failure, Demetris Yannopoulos, Keith Lurie MD, Scott Sakaguchi, and Simon Milstein MD

Submissions from 2006


Spectrin Mutations Cause Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 5, Yoshio Ikeda, Katherine A. Dick, Marcy R. Weatherspoon, and Lawrence J. Schut

Submissions from 2005


Gemcitabine, 5-Fluorouracil, and Leucovorin in Advanced Biliary Tract and Gallbladder Carcinoma: a North Central Cancer Treatment Group Phase II Trial, Hani Al-Khatib, Steven R. Alberts, Michelle R. Mahoney, Lawrence Burgart, Peter J. Cera, Patrick J. Flynn, Tom R. Finch, Ralph Levitt, Harold E. Windschitl, James A. Knost, and Loren K. Tschetter


Molecular and Clinical Analyses of Greig Cephalopolysyndactyly and Pallister-Hall Syndromes: Robust Phenotype Prediction from the Type and Position of GLI3 Mutations, Jennifer J. Johnston, Isabelle Olivos-Glander, Christina Killoran, and David Tilstra MD


Antiviral Agents for Pregnant Women with Genital Herpes, Christopher Wenner MD

Submissions from 2003


Lupus Anticoagulunt Associated with Transient Severe Factor X Deficiency: A Report of Two Patients Presenting with Major Bleeding Complications, Aneel A. Ashrani, Agnes Aysola, Hani Al-Khatib MD, and William L. Nichols

Submissions from 2000


Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 8: Clinical Features in a Large Family, J W. Day, Lawrence J. Schut, M L. Moseley, A C. Durand, and Laura P. Ranum

Submissions from 1998


Motor System Changes in the Aging Brain: What is Normal and What is Not, Lawrence J. Schut


Bordetella Holmesii-Like Organisms Associated with Septicemia, Endocarditis, and Respiratory Failure, Perry J. Severance, Yi-Wei Tang, Marlene K. Hopkins, Christopher P. Kolbert, Paul A. Hartley, and David H. Persing

Submissions from 1996


A Pilot Evaluation of Alternating Preoperative Chemotherapy in the Management of Patiens with Locoregionally Advanced Breast Carcinoma, Thomas M. Pisansky MD, Charles L. Loprinzi MD, Stephen S. Cha MD, and Nicholas F. Reuter MD

Submissions from 1987


Predeposit Autologous Blood Transfusion: An Analysis of Donor Attitudes and Attributes, Roslyn Yomtovian, Jane Ceynar, James L. Kepner, and Mary Buhl